

Su desarrollo cultural e importancia regional

Tourism has experienced constant growth worldwide over the last decades. Studies carried out point out an average annual growth rate in the number of international arrivals and the estimation is that it will continue to rise. The impact of tourism reinforces the idea of developing tourism under sustainable principles and constitutes multiple environmental challenges to be faced by managers, regulators and academics because, if appropriately managed, tourism can be a great economic revitalizer. This book illustrates different models and experiences with a common final perspective: to generate knowledge on how to make effective and applicable the broad concept of sustainable tourism. Readers will have the opportunity to learn from these contributions and to apply that understanding to their day-to-day work in the tourism industry.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Index
  • An effective sustainable tourism in the XXIst century. Amaia Makua and Ruth Ahedo
  • From obscurity to world fame: the transformation of the Puerto Princesa Underground River. Benjamin C. Bagadionm, Nerissa D. Juan and Raymundo V. Lucero
  • Cameroon government policies on tourism and their impact on foreign investment. Eyong Ayuk Ako-Ebot
  • European Cultural Routes for the collective governance of sustainable cultural tourism: between European policies and interregional cooperation. Silvia Lecci
  • System of Tourism Indicators for the Sustainable Management of Destinations in the Province of Barcelona. Francesc López Palomeque, Anna Torres-Delgado, Xavier Font Urgell and Damia Serrano Miracle
  • Linked Data for Sustainable Tourism Destinations. Ander García, María Teresa Linaza, Cristina Múgica and Iñaki Bolumburu
  • The benefits of Digital Best Practices Program: improving digital literacy in SME´s of Basque tourism industry. Raúl Tabarés Gutiérrez, Xabier Zuñiga, Eneko Tomé, Xabier Magaña and Idurre Ostolaza
  • Authors


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