Experts and Campaigners

Experts and Campaigners

Scientific information and collective action in socio-ecological conflicts

The papers assembled in this volume should enable readers to understand what too many people today insistently misperceive. Environmental protection is not just a ?special interest?. It is an essential task for everyone. This book brings together texts by social scientists from the United States, France and Spain. Their common frame of reference is the dialectic between experts and activists in socio-environmental movements, as well as the concern about changes, both cognitive and political, arising in that context. Els treballs reunits en aquest volum permetran comprendre als lectors el que no es percep correctament avui en dia: la protecció mediambiental no solament és un «interès especial», sinó que constitueix una tasca essencial per a tots. Aquest llibre recull textos de científics socials dels Estats Units, França i Espanya, el marc comú de referència dels quals és la dialèctica entre experts i activistes dels moviments soci-mediambientals, així com la preocupació sobre els canvis cognitius i polítics que sorgeixen en aquest context.
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Expert knowledge, public participation and "ecological transition"
  • Unsustainable science in the treadmill of production: the declining salience of impact science in environmental conflicts in the U.S.
  • Expert knowledge, public participation and reflexivity in social-ecological conflicts: Do these three really always go together?
  • How biodiversity science shaped Ecuadorian environmental organizations
  • Socio-technical conflicts and the French energy model
  • The impact of socio-ecological conflicts on policy references. The (paradoxical) case of Catalonia's territorial policy over the past decade (2002-2012)
  • To think in a “light” way about environmental problems
  • A self-portrait of the environmental movement as an enlightened vanguard
  • The authors



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