La poeta del piso de arriba

La poeta del piso de arriba

  • Autor: Ortiz Cofer, Judith
  • Editor: Arte Público Press
  • ISBN: 9781558857889
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781611925869
  • Lugar de publicación:  Houston , Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación: 2014
  • Páginas: 32

Juliana is too sick to go to school one cold, winter day. So she stays in bed and looks out her bedroom window. She watches as a tall lady in a red coat and hat carries her boxes of books and papers upstairs. Her mother has heard that the mysterious woman is a poet writing a book. Juliana loves books and can’t wait to meet the poet upstairs.

Juliana  listens to the poet’s typewriter clicking and clacking all day long, while outside the snow falls and people rush by bundled up in their coats. She dreams of the tiny tropical island “sitting on the ocean like a green button on a blue dress,” the island home that her mother and the poet share. She dreams of red hibiscus flowers and beaches of white sand.

The next day, she receives an invitation from the poet to come upstairs. Together, they write a poem about a big river that leads to the sea. As they make pictures with words, the walls of the cold apartment become a beautiful vista of mountains, palm trees, birds and flowers. That special day, poetry takes Juliana from her cold and ordinary apartment to a sparkling island habitat.

  • Cover page
  • Title page
  • Copyright page


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