Estrés: Manual diagnóstico. La explicación psicobiológica de los síntomas

Estrés: Manual diagnóstico. La explicación psicobiológica de los síntomas

  • Author: Cólica, Pablo R.
  • Publisher: Editorial Brujas
  • ISBN: 9789875916364
  • Place of publication:  Buenos Aires , United States
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Pages: 32
Gabriela is super excited when her gift from Titi Sylvia finally arrives. She loves the colorful, glittery butterfly wings! She stands in the middle of her room and flaps and flaps her new wings, but nothing happens. She jumps off her bed, vigorously moving the wings up and down, but again, nada. She hops down the hallway and the stairs, but she still can’t fly! Disappointed, Gabriela goes to the garage, digs into her father’s toolbox and sets about trying to fix the broken butterfly wings. Maybe she can add a battery or an engine. Her father has a better idea, though, and encourages her to close her eyes and think about where she would like to fly. Soon she is envisioning El Yunque, a rainforest on the island of Puerto Rico that is full of tall green trees, humming waterfalls and chattering birds. She can even hear the coquí, a tiny tree frog that lives only on the island, singing its special song: coquí-coquí. Demonstrating the joy found in using one’s imagination, this bilingual picture book depicts a young girl drawing on her senses—smell, hearing, sight—to return to a beloved place. Kids will appreciate the beauty of the rainforest’s birds, frogs and other natural wonders while admiring a strong girl willing to create solutions to problems. Bilingual edition
  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Broken Butterfly Wings: Alas De Mariposa Rotas


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