Raining Backwards is an entertaining satire of the Cuban community in Miami, filled with hilarious scenes and characters, including a lovesick girl determined to be a cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins, a poor Cuban American who becomes Pope, another Cuban American who begins a guerrilla war to separate Florida from the Union, and a ditsy plantain-chip magnate.
- Cover
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Introduction. David Kirby
- Will the last American to leave Miami please bring the flag
- Retrieving Varadero
- To Bill
- Miracle at eight and twelfth
- Times of trouble
- With coconut flakes
- The southern pearl
- Golden fifteen
- The good night
- Vacillation
- Beach party
- Resiliency
- I can't tell you, Pepe
- Inter American affairs commission of Miami
- La Chanson de la Cousine
- El cantar del olvido
- Barbarita's refugee meat spread, 1961
- Keithlied
- The sun herald
- The chain
- You want some coffee?
- Boniato
- Queen calle ocho
- What´s poesy
- Eisa cobrouna mi las va pagar
- The sun herald
- Barbie
- Connie I
- Wrong number
- Barbarita
- Connie II
- You really drive me wild, baby
- Bringing the flag
- Connie III
- Tongue
- I am
- The price of love
- As I told you
- Raining backwards
- The price of love (conclusion)
- Doña Barbarita de Gonzalez
- Don´t bug me
- The six o´clock news
- Who killed C.R.?
- Thank you for making us white
- Gratitude
- Boys
- Untitled
- Joaquin I, Pontiex Maximus
- Tatiana
- Origination
- I cultivated a white rose