Pregúntame mañana

Pregúntame mañana

  • Author: Fiorucci, Erika
  • Publisher: Harlequin
  • eISBN Epub: 9788468782614
  • Place of publication:  Spain
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Pages: 350

This volume brings together a selection of the papers and round tables delivered at the 39th AEDEAN Conference, held at the University of Deusto in November 2015. The essays in On the Move: Glancing Backwards to Build a Future in English Studies often begin with typically-academic gestures such as retrieving a classic text and finding new ways of studying its genre or characterization; or remarking how certain ungrammatical constructions have gone frequently unnoticed —even in well-known texts— for various reasons; or entangling oneself in contentions about the adequacy of dissecting a literary text or linguistic problem by using innovative analytical tools. In all cases, though, there is the intention of putting forth certain views and notions that will help future scholars to deal in a better light with the dilemmas regularly encountered in literary, linguistic and cultural studies. The book opens with three essays by professors Bartholomae, Pullum and Río, who demonstrate not only their mastery in their respective subjects but also their ability to tailor their contents to multifarious audiences. The next two sections represent the main body of the e-book, with nearly forty contributions on both literature and cultural studies (Part II) and language and linguistics (Part III). These short academic pieces are a representative showcase of the research being done lately in the different areas of expertise. The last section of the volume gathers together the results of four research projects dealing with such engaging topics as postcolonial crime fiction or forgotten texts by Anglo writers about the Spanish Civil War. It is hard to think of any potential reader schooled in English Studies who will not find something suitable to their interests and tastes in this volume.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents in Brief
  • Preface
  • Part I. Keynote Essays
    • Ordinary Language and the Teaching of Writing. David Bartholomae
    • English Grammar and English Literature. Geoffrey K Pullum
    • Reinterpreting the American West from an Urban Literary Perspective: Contemporary Reno Writing. David Rio
  • Part II. Literature and Cultural Studies
    • Reinventing Female Fashion. From Victorian Apparel to Steampunk Expression of the Self. Marta Alonso Jerez
    • The Industrialization of the Female Body in Twenty-First Century Crime Fiction. Elena Avanzas Álvarez
    • The Will to Belong in Carson McCullers’ The Member of the Wedding. Mikel Bermello Isusi
    • Erased Identities: Marita Conlon-McKenna’s The Magdalen (1999). Elena Cantueso Urbano
    • Americanah: Translating Three Countries into English and the Afropolitan Consciousness. Rocío Cobo Piñero
    • Tracing the Edwardian Artist in Contemporary Fiction. Celia Cruz-Rus
    • Sacred Femininity and Spiritual Self-Definition in African American Women Writers: From Zora Neale Hurston to Ayana Mathis. Vicent Cucarella Ramon
    • Family Loss in Joyce Carol Oates’s We Were the Mulvaneys. Esther Gómez López
    • Garrick’s Jubilee: Between Theatre and Ritual. Isabel Guerrero
    • Perhaps Not “Absolutely True,” But Definitely Closely Observed and Deeply Rooted in Reality. Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz
    • Make it New: Gender and Tradition in Michèle Roberts’s Mud: Stories of Sex and Love. Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez
    • Narrative Emotions and Human Rights Life Writing. Ana Belén Martínez García
    • Nell Gwyn as the Epitome of Englishness: The Case of Anna Neagle, the True English Rose. Laura Martínez-García
    • Humanity, Nature and History. Destiny Bounded to Natural Phenomena: Fokir in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide. Ángela Mena González
    • New Ways to Remember: Memory in Tayari Jones’s Leaving Atlanta. Concepción Parrondo Carretero
    • Gothic Fairy Tales: Angela Carter’s Torture Chamber and the Evil Marquis. Nerea Riobó Pérez
    • Sedley’s The Mulberry Garden (1668) and the Genre of the Dramatic Dedication. Nora Rodríguez Loro
    • Writing Woman: Identity, Self and Otherness in Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria by Noo Saro-Wiwa. Svetlana Stefanova Radoulska
  • Part III. Language and Linguistics
    • Gapping and Pseudogapping Constructions with Multiple Remnants. Marian Alves Castro
    • A Corpus Study on Durst and the Construction Dared and Bare Infinitive Clause in Middle English and Early Modern English. Sofía Bemposta-Rivas
    • Fusing Nonfinite Peripheral Constructions Constructively: on Absolutes and Free Adjuncts in the Recent History of English. Carla Bouzada-Jabois and Javier Pérez-Guerra
    • A Contrastive Analysis of English Possible and Spanish Posible. Marta Carretero
    • Ah! Interjections. Lucía Contreras-García and Daniel García Velasco
    • More People Have presented in Conferences than I Have. Comparative Illusions: When Ungrammaticality Goes Unnoticed. Iria de Dios-Flores
    • Students' perceptions and concerns on the use of CLIL in Teacher Education Degrees. Raquel Fernández Fernández
    • Revisiting the Role of Plural of-Dependents on Verbal Agreement with Collective Nouns: A Syntactic Pilot Study on New Englishes. Yolanda Fernández Pena
    • Tracing the History of of-Collectives: On the Idiomatisation of a number of, a/the majority of and a group of. Yolanda Fernández Pena
    • The clause-mate condition on multiple remnants. Javier Fernández-Sánchez
    • Discourse Types and Functions in Popular Romance Fiction NoveLS (‘Work in Progress’). Mª Isabel González Cruz
    • Structural Overlap and V-Raising in L2 English. Mireia Llinàs-Grau and Céline Delatouche
    • Regressive Transfer from L4 German to L3 English: the Case of that-deletion. Mireia Llinàs-Grau and Eloi Puig Mayenco
    • The Expression of Evidentiality in English, Basque and Spanish: Cross-linguistic Perspectives and Criteria for a Database...Juana I. Marín Arrese, Marta Carretero, Karlos Cid Abasolo, Elena Domínguez Romero and Mª Victoria Martín de la Rosa
    • The Morphological Constraint in Agreement Computations: the case of production errors in English and Spanish. Paula Márquez-Caamaño
    • Propositional ish as a syntactic Speech Act Phrase. Isabel Oltra-Massuet
    • Topic/Focus Fronting and Factive Clauses. José Miguel Ruiz Villaécija
    • Motivation and Mistakes in the Oral Competence of Future Teachers of English. Concetta M. Sigona and María Amor Barros-del Río
  • Part IV. Round Tables: Cultural Studies
    • Major Scales for Minority Groups: Music, Identity and Voices in the American West. Ángel Chaparro Sainz, Amaia Ibarraran Bigalondo and Monika Madinabeitia Medrano
    • Views of the Spanish Civil War from Some Forgotten Texts. Alberto Lázaro, Fernando Galván, Jonathan P. A. Sell and Juan Manuel Camacho
    • Reading Postcolonial Crime Fiction: a Non-Canonical Approach to Detecting Social Change. William Charles Phillips, Cornelis Martin Renes, Catalina Ribas Segura and Isabel Santaularia
    • Women’s Tales of Dissent: Exploring Female Experience in the Short Fiction of Helen Simpson, Janice Galloway, A.S. Byatt, and Jeanette Winterson. Jorge Sacido Romero, Laura Torres Zúñiga, Carmen Lara Rallo and Isabel Mª Andrés Cuevas


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