Aquest volum reuneix una selecció d'articles que exploren el relat digital en diversos camps i nivells educatius. Al mateix temps que es presenten experiències creatives i s'ofereixen consells pràctics, els articles també comparteixen un camí metodològic comú: reuneixen i avaluen dades objectives per a mostrar com les pràctiques de relat digital constitueixen un actiu important per a les aules del segle XXI. This volume brings together a selection of articles that explore the digital storytelling in various educational fields and levels. While presenting creative experiences and contributing practica! Advice, the articles also share a common methodological drive: they collect and appraise objective data to show how digital storytelling practices are a strong asset to the 21st century classroom.
- Title
- Copyright
- Content
- Notes on Contributors
- 1 Digital storytelling and its expansion across educational contexts
- 2 Digital storytelling at a crossroads. Historical context for an ever-emerging genre
- 3 Personal storytelling in the digital society
- 4 Atomisation of data versus storytelling. Renouncing the narrative voice in digital newspapers
- 5 Using digital storytelling to create educational projects for diverse web audiences
- 6 Towards the digital storytelling university
- 7 Sharing the experience of creating a digital story: an inquiry into the knowledge community of digital storytellers and its educational implications
- 8 Empowering learners with digital news stories: an exploratory study of a college Spanish course
- 9 Digital storytelling beyond the ESL classroom
- 10 Exploring the collaborative learning possibilities in the use of digital storytelling in higher education
- 11 Digital storytelling activities in a kindergarten
- 12 Extending creative practice