Fifth recent advances in quantitative remote sensing

Fifth recent advances in quantitative remote sensing

  • Author: Sobrino Rodríguez, Jose Antonio
  • Publisher: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia (PUV)
  • eISBN Pdf: 9788491332015
  • Place of publication:  Valencia , Spain
  • Year of publication: 2017
  • Year of digital publication: 2018
  • Month: December
  • Pages: 481
  • Language: English

The Fifth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing was held in Torrent, Spain from 18 to 22 September 2018. It was sponsored and organized by the Global Change Unit (GCU) from the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), University of Valencia (UVEG), Spain. This Symposium addressed the scientific advances in quantitative remote sensing in connection with real applications. Its main goal was to assess the state of the art of both theory and applications in the analysis of remote sensing data, as well as to provide a forum for researcher in this subject area to exchange views and report their latest results. In this book 89 of the 262 contributions presented in both plenary and poster sessions are arranged according to the scientific topics selected. The papers are ranked in the same order as the final programme.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Evaluation of multisource LAI time series for crop assessment. Manuel Campos-Taberner, Francisco Javier García-Haro, Francesco Nutini, Gonçal Grau-Muedra, Gustau CampsValls, Roberto Confalonieri, Carlo Girardelli, Lorenzo Busetto, Luigi Ranghetti...
  • Development of sea surface temperature retrieval algorithm for the Chinese Gaofen-5 data. Yuanyuan Chen, Si-Bo Duan and Zhao-Liang Li
  • Bathymetry of Suez Canal and the Temsah Lake Using WorldView-2 imagery. Ahmed Elsharkawy, Mohamed Elhabiby, Naser El-Sheimy
  • Clouds eliminated from AVHRR/2 images with cloud and snow. Zhu Ji, Chen Guizhu, Shang Guofei
  • Towards a complete spectral reflectance uncertainty model for Field Spectroscopy. M. Jiménez, O. Gutiérrez de la Cámara, A. Moncholí, F. Muñoz
  • Interest of VNIR directional measurements for parameterizing the TIR directional anisotropy. Zunjian Bian, Jean-Louis Roujean, Mark Irvine, Jean-Pierre Lagouarde
  • Improving GIS-based monthly air temperature maps with satellite-derived land surface temperature. Mira M., Ninyerola M., Batalla M., Pesquer L., Pons X.
  • Evaluation of the surface soil moisture over alpine vegetation region of Tibetan Plateau. Long Xia, Xiaoning Song, Pei Leng, Yawei Wang, Yanbin Hao, Yanfen Wang
  • Quantitative Monitoring of the Grazing Intensity in Temperate Meadow Steppe based on Remote Sensing Data. Dawei Xu, Baorui Chen, Ruirui Yan, Yuchun Yan, Xinbo Sun, Lijun Xu, Xiaoping Xin
  • Improvement of the TS-NDVI feature space of the TVDI method on spatio-temporal variation drought monitoring in karst areas. Hongbo Yan, Guoqing Zhou, Fengfeng Yang, Xianjian Lu
  • Theoretical basis for retrieval of leaf area index from normalized derivatives of red-edge reflectance with application to Sentinel-2. Richard Fernandes, Khalid Omari, Francis Canisius, Nadia Rochdi
  • Annual dynamics of shortwave radiation reflected from bare soils in Europe. Jerzy Cierniewski, Jakub Ceglarek, Cezary Kaźmierowski, Jean-Louis Roujean
  • TRISHNA : a new high resolution thermal infrared Indo-French mission concept. Jean-Pierre Lagouarde, Bimal K. Bhattacharya, Philippe Crébassol, Philippe Gamet
  • Quantitative analysis of thermal infrared multi-angle polarized characteristics of water. Xia Zhang, Guo-fei Shang, Zhen Li, Ai-qing Guo
  • FENYX. Corrales Sierra, J. Ortiz Muñoz, N. Seoane Vieira, B. Calvo Moral, J.A. Gómez Sánchez, B. Marqués Balaguer
  • Analysis of new vegetation index from GF-5 satellite simulation data. Ziyang Zhang, Bo-Hui Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Ronglin Tang, and Hua Wu
  • A Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval Algorithm Based on Atmospheric Offset Characteristic from Low emissivity Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data. CHEN Mengshuo, Wu Hua, Jiang Xiaoguang, Li Zhaoliang, QIAN Yonggang, Wang Ning
  • Hyperspectral indices for investigating the biochemical properties of vegetation. Agnieszka Jenerowicz, Agata Orych, Piotr Walczykowski, Mateusz Gralewicz
  • Mineral identification and classification by combining hyperspectral VNIR-SWIR and multispectral TIR data. Li Ni, WangminYing, Wan Li, Hua Wu
  • Determining spatial resolution variability of hyperspectral pushbroom sensors. Agata Orych, Agnieszka Jenerowicz, Diana Zach
  • Fair comparison of NDVI time series reconstruction methods using the TISSBERT datase. Y. Julien, J. A. Sobrino, G. Sòria, J.-C. Jimenez-Muñoz, D. Skokovic, J. Gomis
  • Remote detection of human-induced evapotranspiration in the Songhua River Basin of China. H. Chen, W.C. Zhang
  • Urban Green Land Water Consumption Analysis with Remote Sensing Technology in Beijing City. Di Suchuang, Li Zhao-liang, Tang Ronglin, Pan Xingyao, Liu Honglu, Yong Niu
  • Effect of cloud on daily evapotranspiration estimation using the constant global shortwave irradiance ratio method. Yazhen Jiang, Xiaoguang Jiang, Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Yuze Zhang, Cheng Huang,Chen Ru
  • Study on the spatiotemporal variations of terrestrial water storage and its relation to precipitation and NDVI over the Tibetan Plateau during 2003-2015. Qilun Li, Wanchang Zhang, Ning Nie, Jinping Liu, Hao Chen
  • Integrating different satellite-based models to improve global terrestrial evapotranspiration with a generalized regression neural network. Meng Liu, Rong-Lin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, YunJun Yao, Guangjian Yan
  • Ten-day gross primary production (GPP) using SEVIRI/MSG data in the framework of LSA SAF project. B. Martínez, S. Sánchez-Ruiz, M. Campos-Taberner, F.J. García-Haro, M.A. Gilabert
  • Calibration of BIOME-BGC through remote sensing and meteorological ground data for the estimation of net carbon fluxes in Comunitat Valenciana. S. Sanchez-Ruiz, M. Chiesi, L. Fibbi, F. Maselli, A. Moreno, B. Martinez, M. Campos-Taberner, F. J. Garcia-Har
  • Reconstructed glacier mass balance in the past few decades with the latest GRACE and GLDAS products over the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, China. Jinping Liu, Wanchang Zhang
  • Net Primary Productivity Modelling and its Analysis of spatial and temporal patterns in Temperate Grassland, Northern China. Fen Zhao, Bin Xu, Xiuchun Yang, Lang Xia,Yunxiang Jin, Jinya Li, Jian Guo, Ge Shen
  • Remote sensing monitoring of greenup date and its correlation with meteorological factors in the Xilingol grasslands of northern China. J. Guo, X. Yang, J. Niu, Y. Jin, B. Xu, G. Shen, W. Zhang and Y. Zhang
  • Using MODIS time series data to estimate grass production and its spatial-temporal variation in Beijing-Tianjin sandstorm source region, China. JIN Yunxiang, YANG Xiuchun, LI Zhemin, QIN Zhihao, ZHANG Hongbin, XU Bin
  • Three decades of NOAA-AVHRR data to assess vegetation dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: the IBERIAN NDVI dataset. N. Martin-Hernandez, S.M. Vicente-Serrano, S. Beguería, C. Azorin-Molina, F. Reig, J. Zabalza
  • Land-cover classification using multi-source data. Q.Wu, R.F. Zhong, W.J. Zhao, K. Song, L.M. Du
  • Assessment of MODIS daily snow albedo on Livingston Island, Antarctica. Javier F. Calleja, Alejandro Corbea-Pérez, Susana Fernández, Carmen Recondo, Juanjo Peón
  • Synergy between satellite and ground-based estimates of the cloud cover. Freile-Aranda M.D., Gómez-Amo J.L., Utrillas M.P., Martínez-Lozano J.A.
  • Validation of the Climate Data Record of EUMETSAT LSA SAF SEVIRI/MSG LAI, FAPAR and FVC products. B. Fuster, J. Sánchez-Zapero, F. Camacho, F. J. García-Haro, M.Campos-Taberner
  • The geostationary and polar orbit LSA SAF vegetation products. Francisco Javier García-Haro, Manuel Campos-Taberner, Fernando Camacho, Beatriz Martínez, Jorge Sánchez Zapero, Gustau Camps-Valls, Sergio Sánchez-Ruíz, María Amparo Gilabert
  • New MODIS LST product for the monitoring of Amazonian tropical forests. Gomis-Cebolla, J., Jiménez-Muñoz, J.C., Sobrino, J.A., Soria, G., Julien, Y., Skokovic, D.
  • Early validation results of the land surface temperature product derived from Sentinel-3 SLSTR instrument. J. C. Jimenez, J. A. Sobrino, G. Soria, Y. Julien, D. Skokovic, J. Gomis-Cebolla, C. Mattar, A. Santamaría-Artigas, J. J. Pasapera-Gonzales
  • Uncertainty Analysis of the Automated Radiometric Calibration over Baotou Cal&Val Site in China. Lingling Ma, Yongguang Zhao, Emma R. Woolliams, Yaokai Liu, Ning Wang, Xinhong Wang, Caihong Dai, Caixia Gao, Chuanrong Li, Lingli Tang
  • Independent Analysis of Seasonal Surface Temperature Trend by Simultaneously Satellite Data and Numerical Simulations over Tibetan Plateau in the Last Decade. Xiaoying Ouyang, Yonghui Lei, Dongmei Chen
  • Production of 10-days fCover, FAPAR and LAI maps from Sentinel-3 OLCI data. H. Poilvé, C. Bruschini, A. Roumiguié, A. Jacquin, Th. Binant
  • Comparison of MODIS-derived Land Surface Temperatures with in situ Temperatures measured in the Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica: First results. Carmen Recondo, Juanjo Peón, Enrique Pendás, Alejandro Corbea-Pérez, Miguel Ángel de Pablo...
  • SALVAL: Surface ALbedo VALidation tool. L. de la Madrid, J. Sánchez-Zapero, F. Camacho
  • Validation of LST Remote Sensing Products Based on IoT. Yaoqiang Wang, Kun Shao, Xing Huo, Yonghua Yang
  • Evaluation of ASTER AST05 product with field emissivity measured using a portable Fourier transform infrared spectroradiometer. Bo-Hui Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Hua Wu, and Ronglin Tang
  • Validation of Sentinel-2 LAI and FAPAR products derived from SNAP toolbox over a cropland site in Barrax and over an agroforested site in Liria (Spain). D. Vinué, F. Camacho, B. Fuster
  • A comparison between satellite and in situ SST data on a global scale. García-Monteiro, S., Sobrino, J. A.
  • Estimation of land surface temperature from passive microwave data. Xiao-Jing Han, Si-Bo Duan, and Zhao-Liang Li
  • Analysis of the potential of GNSS-R measurements for the monitoring of continental surface conditions. Mehrez Zribi, Erwan Motte, Dominique Guyon, Jean Pierre Wigneron, Nicolas Baghdadi, Frédéric Baup, Sylvia Dayau, Remy Fieuzal
  • A multi-sensor approach for the retrieval of canopy fluorescence and biophysical parameters by inversion of coupled radiative transfer models via optimization. Wouter Verhoef, Christiaan van der Tol, Elizabeth M. Middleton
  • A new semi-empirical radar backscattering model for bare soil surfaces: Baghdadi model. M. Choker1, Baghdadi N., Zribi M., El Hajj M., Paloscia S., Verhoest N.E.C., Lievens H., Baup F., Mattia F.
  • Potential of synergy between sentinel1 and terrasar-X radar sensors to retrieve physical soil properties. Sandarbh Agrawal, Mehrez Zribi, Sekhar Muddu, Ahmad Albitar, Sylvain Ferrant, Nicolas Baghdadi, Mohammad El-Hajj
  • Combined use of agro-meteorological model and multi-temporal satellite data (optical and radar) for monitoring corn biophysical parameters. M. Ameline; R. Fieuzal; J. Betbeder; J-F. Berthoumieu; F. Baup
  • Sensitivity of Sentinel-1 radar data to soil and vegetation parameters. Safa Bousbih, Mehrez Zribi , Zohra Lili-Chabaane , Pascal Fanise , Bernard Mougenot, Nicolas Baghdadi
  • Using ground-based GNSS-IR to retrieval soil moisture. Chao Ren, Yueji Liang, Xianjian Lu, Hongbo Yan
  • Comparison of Two Methods for Soil Moisture Mapping at 1km Resolution from Sentinel-1 and MODIS Synergy . Q. Gao, M. Zribi, M.J. Escorihuela, N. Baghdadi
  • Inland Water Level Retrieval with Radar Altimeters. Q. Gao, M.J. Escorihuela, A. Garcia-Mondejar, B. Martinez-Val, M. Zribi, P. Quintana-Segui, N. Baghdad
  • Soil Moisture Inversion Using the Reflection Signals of GNSS Satellites. Yueji Liang, Chao Ren, Haoyu Wang, Zhongtian Zheng, Hongbo Yan, Ninghui Xu, Jie Lu
  • Monitoring an Alpine glacier through Ground Based SAR Interferometry: a case study. G. Luzi, N. Dematteis, D. Giordan, F. Zucca, P. Allasia, O. Monserrat
  • Assessment of fully polarimetric Radarsat-2 imagery for soil parameter estimation in arid regions. Xiaodong Feng, Liping Yang, Fei Liu, Jing Liu, Xiaohui Sun
  • Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) as a proxy of Light use Efficiency (LUE) and transpiration in Mediterranean olive grove. Wafa Chebbi, Valérie Le Dantec, Gilles Boulet, Alexandre Désiré, Zohra Lili Chabaane, Bernard Mougenot, Pascal Fanise
  • Scaling Effect on Radar Sensing of Rough Surface. Du-Gang Xi, Kun-Shan Chen, Zhao-Liang Li, and Yu Liu
  • Operational light source and luminance determination methodology by using hyperspectral and mapping cameras at very high spatial resolution. Ramon Alamús, Vicenç Palà, Anna Tardà, Luca Pipia, Jordi Corbera
  • Aerial Research Platforms: ICTS-PAI. J.A. Gómez Sánchez, J. Ortiz Muñoz, A. Corrales Sierra, N. Seoane Vieira, G. Vega López, B. Marqués Balaguer
  • Optimization of an Experimental Cloud Infrastructure for Earth Observation Services. J. Becedas, M. M. Núñez, D. González
  • Multi-year monitoring of rice crop using Sentinel-1 time series. Hoa Phan, Thuy Le Toan, Alexandre Bouvet, Lam Dao Nguyen, Mehrez Zribi
  • A high performance GPU implementation for multitemporal analysis of huge satellite remote sensing databases. N. Ben Achhab, N. Raissouni, J. A. Sobrino, A. Chahboun, A. Azyat, M. Lahraoua, S. El Adib
  • Sea Surface Height Monitoring Of Multi-GNSS-MR Based on Wavelet Denoising. Fade Chen, Lilong Liu, Junyu Li, Liangke Huang, Linbo Liu
  • The Spatial Upscaling Algorithm of Leaf Area Index Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform. Hong Chen, Hua Wu, Zhao-Liang Li, Bohui Tang, Ronglin Tang, Guangjian Yan
  • Spatiotemporal cropland monitoring based on optical microwave and thermal infrared remote sensing data complementarities. B. Cheul, B. Coudert, R. Fieuzal, F. Baup, J. Cros, V. Rivalland, M. Huc
  • Estimating grassland above-ground biomass using Landsat8 OLI imagery and regression kriging method in Hulunber, China. Lei Ding, Zhenwang Li, Beibei Shen, Xu Wang, Ruirui Yan, Xiaoping Xin
  • Cirrus cloud removal in Sentinel-3 SLSTR images using an empirical algorithm in the Cirrus band. J.C. Fortea and J. Moreno
  • Downscaling of the seasonal evolution of various crops in the Versailles plain (France), based on MODIS 250m EVI vegetation index and a Bayesian approach inversion. M.A. Ghribi, F. Maignan, C. Ottlé, A. Kallel, E. Vaudour, J.M. Gilliot, N. Delbart, C. Ba
  • Advances in statistical cloud screening: the Proba-V case study. Gonzalo Mateo-García, Luis Gómez-Chova, Jordi Muñoz-Marí, Gustau Camps-Valls
  • FPGA-based implementation of detection and matching of feature points. Jingjin Huang, Guoqing Zhou, Guangyun Zhang, Rongting Zhang, Dianjun Zhang
  • Super-resolution reconstruction of remote sensing image based on neural network with barycentric weight function. Xing Huo, Wenxuan Huang, Lingling Ma, Kun Shao, Ronglin Tang, YongHua Yang
  • Assessment of the zenith tropospheric delay derived from GGOS Atmosphere data with GNSS ZTD over China. Junyu Li, Lilong Liu, Liangke Huang, Shaofeng Xie, Fade Chen and Linbo Liu
  • Vegetation dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from GIMMS NDVI 3g 1982-2011 and its relation to the advance of the summer season. B. Martínez, S. Sánchez-Ruiz, M.J. López García, M.A. Gilabert
  • LST Split-Window algorithm FPGA implementation for Cubesats onboard computations purposes. N. Raissouni, S. El Adib, J. A. Sobrino, N. Ben Achhab, A. Chahboun, A. Azyat, M. Lahraoua
  • The fusion of satellite and UAV data. The accuracy analysis of data fusion results. Agnieszka Jenerowicz, Katarzyna Jenerowicz, Malgorzata Woroszkiewicz, Rafal Dabrowski
  • The simulation of new spectral bands for the purpose of data pansharpening. Katarzyna Siok, Ireneusz Ewiak, Agnieszka Jenerowicz
  • Comparison of spatial sampling schemes for winter wheat acreage estimation using remotely sensed images in a large regional scale. Di Wang, Zhaoliang Li, Qingbo Zhou, Peng Yang
  • Prediction of GNSS TEC Based on improved BP Neural Network. Yin Xing, Chuang Chen, Lilong Liu, Liangke Huang, Jun Chen, Wei Zhou
  • GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using an Integrated Model. Yaning Yi, Wanchang Zhang, Cai Deng, Xiangpeng Yang and Qi Xu
  • Comparative Study on Remote Sensing Estimation Methods of Grassland Fractional Vegetation Coverage: A case study of grassland in Ili Prefecture, Xinjiang, China. Wenbo Zhang, Xiuchun Yang, Asiya Manlike, Yunxiang Jin, Fengling Zhen, Jian Guo, Ge Shen, Yu
  • Real-time ortho-rectification for remote sensing images. Rongting Zhang, Guoqing Zhou, Jingjin Huang, Xiang Zhou
  • Retrievals of all-weather daytime land surface temperature from FengYun-2D data. Xiaoyu Zhang, Chenguang Wang, Hong Zhao and Zehui Lu


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