New Perspectives on James Joyce Ignatius Loyola, make haste to help me! gathers a selection of papers delivered at the 20th Conference of the James Joyce Spanish Society. The book includes studies on relevant issues still raised by Joyce’s work, such as Joyce’s handling of time and memory, Joyce and the Jesuits, Joyce and literary connections, Joyce in translation, new eco-critical readings of Joyce’s work, Joyce in the light of textual linguistics or how to render Joyce more accessible.
- Cover
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- Part One On the Genesis of Joyce’s Works
- Random Instances of Joyce’s Handling of Time
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Newspapers
- 3. Quotations
- 4. Brief Remarks on Dubliners and A Portrait
- 5. Bloomsday and Bloomsnight
- 6. Episodic Sidelights
- 7. Verbal Disparity
- 8. Linear Language and Separate Events
- 9. Suspense and Post-prehension
- 10. Finnegans Wake: Understanding trails behind
- 11. All of this has been prepared before
- Works Cited
- The Stephens-Joyce Connection
- The Quinet Motif and Joyce’s Memory for Finnegans Wake
- A Catholic Literature for Ireland: James Duffy and Duffy’s Irish Catholic Magazine
- James Duffy
- Duffy’s Irish Catholic Magazine
- Works Cited
- Part Two On Irish-Basque Literary Relations
- Vascuence en Finnegans Wake (I.iv, 101.02-102-17)
- Relaciones intersistémicas entre la literatura vasca y la literatura irlandesa
- Introducción
- 1. La época de la República Española (1930-1936)
- 2. La renovación narrativa (1969-1979)
- 3. La impronta en los participantes en la banda Pott (1979-2007)
- Obras Citadas
- Joyce y Saizarbitoria
- “... and wild dwellers by Vizcáy? Ye, the unconquered remnant of the brave old Celtic race”. The Basques in The Nation
- Works Cited
- Part Three New Comparative Approaches
- Women and Affective Relationships in James Joyce’s and William Trevor’s Work
- James Joyce and Pío Baroja: Common Sources
- Shedding Light on the Mystery of the First Catalan Ulysses: The Joycean Letters of J. F. Vidal Jové
- Ulysses/Ulisses: Digging for common ground
- Spanish translations of Ulysses. A teaching approach
- Works Cited
- Part Four New theoretical approaches to Joyce’s aesthetics
- A Lyric Weakling in the Wake
- James Joyce’s Early Writings and Ecocritical Theory. A New Turn?
- Could We Speak about an Eco-Feminist Joyce?
- 1. “in city or county, and your sure ob, or by, with or from an urb, of you know the differenciabus” (FW 481.16-18)
- 2. “In the Heart of the Hibernian Metropolis” (U 7.96)
- 3. “the citye of Is is issuant (atlanst !), urban and orbal, through seep froms umber under wasseres of Erie” (FW 601.05-06)
- 4. “But the river tripped on her by and by, lapping as though her heart was brook: Why, why, why! Weh, O weh I’se so silly to be
- Works Cited
- Dr. Lewis. Mr. Joyce: “An Analysis of the Mind of James Joyce” in Time and Western Man by Wyndham Lewis
- Managing Culture in Ireland: Literary Tourism and James Joyce as a case study
- Works Cited
- Secondary Sources
- Part Five On Myth and Religion in Joyce
- “Allude to me as a Jesuit”: James Joyce and his Educators
- Ulises: libro de prodigios y monstruos
- 1. Introducción: la tradición de los monstruos
- 2. Los monstruos y los seres anómalos de Ulises
- 3. Virag Lipoti: el monstruo-fantasma de «Circe»
- 4. El monstruo de dos cabezas de Molly Bloom
- 5. Conclusión
- Obras citadas
- Conclusion An Interview with Alfonso Zapico, Comic Illustrator
- Making Joyce accessible to the wider public.An Interview with Alfonso Zapico, Comic Illustrator
- Contributors