Humanities and the health sciences : a collaborative project or faculty development and curricular revision: a Puerto Rican experience

Humanities and the health sciences : a collaborative project or faculty development and curricular revision: a Puerto Rican experience

  • Autor: Santos y Vargas, L.; Ferrer, J.; Damiani, B M. (eds.)
  • Editor: Scripta Humanistica
  • Colección: Ciencias de la Salud
  • ISBN: 1882528336
  • Lugar de publicación:  Potomac , Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación: 2001
  • Páginas: 250
  • Idioma: Ingles

This volume contains the Proceedings of a three-year NEH-sponsored seminar on bioethics, held at the University of Puerto Rico during the summers of 1998-2000. This is one of the finest collections of interdisciplinary studies covering the areas of philosophy, history, theology, literature, and the behavioral sciences. A distinguished international panel of scholars, including Edmund Pellegrino, Diego Gracia Guillén, Javier Gafo, Samuel Banks, and Joanne Trautman, among others, present their penetrating research in a lucid and engaging style.

  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Dedicatoria
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Bioethics as an interdisciplinary enterprise: where does Ethics fit in the mosaic of disciplines?
  • La bioética como una disciplina critica
  • Religiones y bioética
  • Gender issues facing the new millenium: a global perspective
  • La dimensión bioética de las profesiones sanitarias
  • Nursing at the crossroads
  • El sentido de la vida y la espiritualidad en la relación entre el profesional de la salud y su paciente
  • Suicide: A solution to problems with dying?
  • El porqué y el qué de los comités de ética
  • Impact of market forces on health care
  • Ethics in the age of health care reform
  • Ecoética
  • Agenda bioética para Puerto Rico: un diálogo abierto
  • Lista de los participantes


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