This book is a guide to the graduate and undergraduate student through the chief phases which should be followed in conceiving, structuring, writing, and presenting and end of degree, MA, or PhD dissertation. The manual is written in a style germane to the students, with reader-friendly language, and an eminently practical slant. The theoretical explanations provided on each aspect covered are complemented with numerous practical examples for analysis and illustration; activities to apply, practice, and review the notions introduced. Aquest volum ofereix una guia per a estudiants, a través de les fases claus que haurien de seguir a la concepció, estructuració, escriptura i presentació d'un treball de finalització de grau, màster o tesi doctoral. Aquest manual està escrit amb un llenguatge senzill i un enfocament eminentment pràctic.
- Cover page
- Title page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Starting your research
- Chapter 2: The literature review: how to relate, critically apraise, and render the specialized literature
- Chapter 3: 'Giving credit': An approach to plagiarism among university students
- Chapter 4: Structuring the investigation: from objectives to research design
- Chapter 5: Data collection and analysis: procedures, instruments, and basic statical techniques
- Chapter 6: 'Last but not least': writing the conclusion of your paper
- Chapter 7: Citing and referencing
- Chapter 8: Delivering succesful oral presentations: preparing the viva voce
- Chapter 9: An overview of study and research on english linguistics and applied linguistics
- Chapter 10: Guidelines for study and research in translation and interpreting: what to do research on
- Glossary
- Key
- References