Epicurus and apikorsim

Epicurus and apikorsim

  • Author: Malkin, Yaakov
  • Publisher: Biblioteca Judáica
  • ISBN: 9789659115112
  • Place of publication:  Spain
  • Year of publication: 2007
  • Pages: 169
  • CDU: 260
  • Language: English

Este libro describe la influencia de Epicuro en el judaísmo. El judaísmo es la única cultura nacional que ha adoptado el nombre de este filósofo griego, usándola como un término que designa Judios que creen en la libertad de elegir su forma de vida, sin la obligación de obedecer a los preceptos religiosos. Hoy en día, la mayoría de Judios en vivo como "Apikorsim". La herejía implícita en la negación de la existencia de un Dios personal incluye una negación de la creencia en la vida después de la muerte.

  • Cover
  • Only in Judaism did the name of the philosopher Epicurus come to mean “heretic”, and Epicureanism “heresy”. All heresy however, derives from belief–religious or otherwise
  • From Epicurus’ Belief in the Reality of Knowledge of the Physical and Human World Stems Rejection of Life After Death and Divine Providence
  • From Epicurus’ Belief in Pleasure and Happiness as Life’s Purpose and Supreme Moral Value Stems Rejection of any Obligation to Observe Religious Precepts Imposed in God’s Name
  • Definitions of Apikorsut in Judaism and the Laws that Attest to its Proliferation
    • Apikorsut in the Mishnah, Judah Halevi’s Kuzari and the Writings of Maimonides
  • Epicurean Influence in the Books of Ecclesiastes and Job, Written in the Hellenistic Period
  • Jewish Apikorsim Live by their Beliefs and within their National Culture, Founded on the Bible
  • Apikorsim Have Contributed to the Development of Judaism and its Many Beliefs, Casting Past Judaisms in a New Light
  • Biblical Judaism – Debate between
    • Monotheists and Polytheists, and between Theodicists and those who Doubt the Justness of the Judge of all the Earth
  • Apikorsim and Debate among Jews of the Middle Ages in Areas Under Muslim Rule
  • The Renaissance and Enlightenment
    • Accelerate the Secularisation Process in Judaism as Well, Following Spinoza
  • The Distinct Character of Jewish Apikorsim–Whose Lives and Education are Influenced by Jewish National Culture
  • A-theistic and Epicurean Philosophies Develop in the Middle of the First Millennium BCE
  • Epicureanism Spread throughout the Mediterranean Basin in the Hellenistic Period
  • The Difference between Epicureanism and the Platonism that Prevailed at the Schools in Epicurus’ Time
  • Commitment to the Principles of Justice and Moral Values that Stem from the Epicurean Belief that Man’s Ultimate Goal is the Improvement of Life and the Multiplication and Refinement of its Pleasures
  • In the Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment - Man, His Pleasures and His Happiness Are Once Again the Ultimate Goal of Morality
  • Prevailing Epicurean Ideas in the Age of Enlightenment: Pursuit of Happiness, Unity of Body and Soul, Existence of a Single World, Motion of Particles in Matter
  • Epicurean Principles Guide the Actions of Individuals in Contemporary Western Culture; and the Ways in which they Approach the Contrasts and Interdependence of the Free-Market Economy and the Welfare State
  • The First Jewish Apikoros – Ninth Century Freethinker Hiwi al-Balkhi, Influenced by the Islamic Rationalist Movements
  • The Subjects of Hiwi’s Criticism: Biblical Criticism, the Relationship between God and the World, God’s Corporeality, Miracles, the Religious Precepts,P unishment and Reward, the World to Come
    • Biblical Criticism
    • The Relationship between God and the World
    • God’s Corporeality
    • Miracles
    • Man and his Nature
    • The Obligation to Observe the Precepts
    • Reward and Punishment and the World to Come
  • The Power and Impact of Apikorsut
  • The Apikoros’ Criticism of the Bible Changed its Image and Role in Judaism and Jewish Education
  • The Apikoros’ Beliefs and the Revival of Jewish Historiography have Changed Judaism’s Image from ‘Judaism as Religion’ to ‘Judaism as Culture’


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